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Hi-Lo-No Tech

Not all innovations should be technology driven

Innovation is often treated as a synonym for technology or even digitalization. Technology certainly can solve business and customer problems in innovative ways. Digital technology can facilitate rapid prototyping, cheap iterating and quick scaling of successful innovations.

However, it is unnecessary to limit innovation to technology/digital solutions only. The objective of innovation should be to solve problems and if a digital solution is the best one, go for it. If not, don’t.

A few examples of non-digital innovations to address specific problems:

Innovation should be driven by a problem. The character of an innovative solution can differ, depending on that problem. The innovation can be inspired by existing, evolved or new “tools”, one of them being digital technology.

As Abraham Maslow said:

“If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.” 

So, as Innovation Leader, I made sure to facilitate and stimulate innovations in all shapes and forms, as long as they addressed the priority business and customer challenges.

More about this: 10 things that are NOT innovation and Innovation Is Not About Technology

Please share your views below! 

More of my blogs on innovation: Wim Vandenhouweele

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