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How to find it outside

In a company with over 60,000 employees, there is for sure an abundance of innovative solutions for clearly defined business/customer problems. In some cases, innovation sessions can help to generate new ideas by tapping into the collective capacity for innovation.

Still, it may not be smart to limit the generation of innovative ideas to our own employees only. After all, many of the smart people in the world do not work for one specific company. It is also important to be open to learn from other companies. A few examples of how we got inspiration from outside the company:

Lectures. We invited or visited experts on innovation to share examples of how other organizations innovated.

Connect with peers. In some countries, teams of employees met on a regular base with peers from companies in other industries. By exchanging each other’s business challenges and how they addressed them, new ideas came up that could be experimented with.

Desk research. Teams of young, promising employees got an assignment as part of their accelerated development program. They were briefed in depth on a specific business/customer issue and were then asked to research publicly available databases on how other companies had innovatively solved a similar problem. The team then performed a quick experiment to test the solution for one of our brands.

Open innovation. Specific business challenges were identified and innovative ideas were solicited externally via social media. The finalists were brought together in a shark-tank like event. The winners got resources to perform an experiment together with internal brand teams.

Open & collaborative innovation. Through partnering with another company, we brought together two sets of complementary capabilities and problems and then asked the community to come up with innovative experiments. Winners were selected by experts from both companies and got funding to further develop/commercialize their solution.

Some of the key succes factors for these external innovation approaches included

As “Ryunosuke Satoro said:

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.”

So, as Innovation Leader, I encouraged internal teams and employees to also look outside the company for inspiration. I shared examples like the ones above and supported colleagues who tried new external collaboration initiatives.

More about this topic: Nine habits of the best collaborators

Please share your thoughts!

More of my blogs on innovation: Wim Vandenhouweele

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