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Innovation champions

Large organizations typically have many company-wide initiatives going on. To piggyback on those is a very effective way to further innovation objectives.

As an example, my corporation created an HR program to accelerate the general management capabilities of very promising young employees who were less than 5 years with the company. These carefully selected employees were provided with 2 annual assignments in different countries and divisions. They also had to allocate 20% of their time to an “action learning project” in a team with 3 of their peers. The program was sponsored by the CEO.

I regularly experienced a need for extra manpower to help develop innovation stimulating programs. The above HR program was a perfect opportunity to address both their and my objectives. I was lucky to secure some of those talented employees for my innovation team and for innovation related “action learning projects”.

The young employees were able to create global networks and to engage with leaders in different parts of the company due to the global and cross-functional nature of innovation projects. They also experienced multiple critical corporate processes, like project management, collaboration within different cultures, securing buy in for developed plans and programs, following SOPs, ensuring legal approvals.

These young employees created excellent innovation programs, because they were smart, passionate and eager to learn. They brought in new, fresh, diverse thinking, were tech savvy and not afraid to experiment and push the boundaries. They also became strong ambassadors and network creators for innovation in their further careers – some of them surely on the way to become senior corporate leaders.

A few illustrations of what these young employees created:

Many of these millennials continued to apply our innovation framework in their new job and continued to connect me and other innovation leaders to new networks.

As Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, said:

A diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for everyone.

So, as Innovation Leader, each year, I made sure that new young employees were assigned to my innovation efforts. I closely mentored, supported and connected them with my networks. I shared with them the key innovation principles. I stayed in contact with most of them as they moved on to new assignments.

More reading: Innovation and How to Recruit and Retain Top Millennial Talent

More blogs? Click here: Wim Vandenhouweele

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