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The case for Learning

Innovation Leaders supporting Innovators

In my series about how an Innovation Leader can help Innovators proceed through their innovation journey, I’ll discuss below how to help innovators learn from each other.

Let me share one example and the steps the innovators and I took.

The problem

2. The global support needed.

3. More problems.

4. More global support needed

5. The rest of the story.

Several other sets of experiments emerged, addressing different business challenges using the same technology/solution like QR code, VR, gamification, direct supply, micro financing, etc… To ensure awareness, collaboration and sharing of learnings at scale, we established a very practical database. This database was shared and promoted across the corporation. All innovators and aspiring innovators were asked to enter their innovation into this database and to check in this database if anyone was already working on a similar problem/solution.

As Louisa May Alcott said:

“It takes two flints to make a fire.”

As Innovation Leader, I made sure to stay close to innovators across the global corporation, identified barriers for innovation and develop solutions for prioritized barriers, like the collaborative learning need described above.

More about this topic: “Remote collaboration: it’s not as hard as you think.” By Jessica Thiefels and “Collaboration for innovation: Why technology alone isn’t enough.” By Vicki Huff Eckert, PwC

What is your opinion on this?

Click here for more of my blogs on innovation within corporations: Wim Vandenhouweele

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