Coaching Innovation Leaders

When I started blogging in 2018, I committed myself to publish a new blog each Wednesday. I didn’t expect to write 100 of them. Thank you, reader, for your interest, comments and “likes”!
As I celebrate this occasion (virtually, masked and with geographic distancing 😊), I take the opportunity to share more about my recent decision to narrow my consulting towards coaching corporate Innovation Leaders, especially in global Pharma/healthcare.
Why? It’s the part I liked most in my previous job as global Innovation Leader in Pharma.
I enjoyed connecting with colleagues from across the globe to share and to learn. Every problem was unique and it was exciting to help find solutions.
I created a network of Innovation Leaders: Country Innovation Leaders in about 60 countries in the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe and Mid-East/Africa and Regional Innovation Leaders in each of these geographies. Each Country/Regional Innovation Leader had the same 2 responsibilities as I had, but within their geography: to identify and manage a portfolio of innovative initiatives and to stimulate an innovation mindset.
With most of these Innovation Leaders, I had monthly video or phone calls and regular 1-1 meetings to support them in their role. First, I aimed to understand their needs in both responsibilities by identifying goals, objectives and barriers. Second, my goal was to provide inspiration: asking questions, sharing examples of how colleagues in other geographies managed both responsibilities, discussing what I learned from Innovation Leaders in other corporations, connecting them with people in my network, speakers, organizations, literature … and following up, adapting, repeating.
Why work with me as your coach?
- practical innovation expertise: for 5 years I was (the first) global Innovation Leader in my company, measurably increasing the innovation mindset and managing a portfolio of about 50 innovations
- remote coaching experience: I coached and mentored over 60 country and regional Innovation Leaders in 6 continents
- global experience: I worked/lived in 4 countries and visited more than 50
- networks: I am connected to Innovation Leaders and colleagues in other companies, organizations and vendors
- highly regulated industry experience: I worked 35 years in Pharma/healthcare sales, marketing, strategy, commercial operations, innovation
- continued learning: I engage in hundreds of Innovation Leader calls and discussions from across all kind of industries, lecture at congresses, write this weekly blog, attend congresses and study
- and, mostly… passion for innovation: I have a can-do attitude, like to solve problems, share and inspire, take a practical, uncomplicated and lean approach
- I avoid bureaucratic processes and high level theories (and I do not sell any products, like software)
As the Chicago Tribune said:
“Who exactly seeks out a coach? Winners.”
So, if you are an Innovation Leader and want a virtual coach, a sparring partner, inspiration from a passionate expert with similar personal experience, to think through challenges, to start an innovation program or to bring innovation to the next level, you know where to find me!
More about my background: LinkedIn
Please let me know if you have any interest in the above?
Click here for more of my blogs on innovation within corporations: Wim Vandenhouweele