Sustainable innovations that help society and business

For-profit corporations typically focus on innovations that address business and customer challenges. Humanitarian organizations focus on innovations that help society in a non-profit way. These two approaches do not have to be mutually exclusive. Following is an innovative example of synergy between both.
A marketer in Vietnam faced two challenges for the cervical cancer prevention vaccine she managed.
- A large part of the population, mostly in the larger cities, was able to afford the out-of-pocket price of the vaccine but did not pursue the vaccination. This was mainly because they were not aware of the vaccine or didn’t understand why they needed it.
- Another significant part of the population, mainly in the rural areas, could not afford the vaccine. Affordability in this population would not even increase if the vaccine would have been made available at a no-profit cost.
The marketer, in partnership with a local social services organization, came up with an innovative solution.
- She launched a national social media campaign, featuring posts and videos in which famous local musicians recommended young women to get the vaccine.
- The deal was that when someone in the target audience took an “action”, a number of points were generated. An “action” included a “like” of the post, a repost or a comment.
- For each specific number of points reached, the Pharma company committed itself to donate a vaccine to the social services organization.
- The social services organization would then organize a free vaccination campaign in the rural areas.
This innovation helped prevent cervical cancer in both population groups described above:
- The city population had an increased awareness of the need for vaccination, leading to increased vaccination (and sales of the vaccine). The increase in sales covered part of the costs of the donated vaccines.
- The rural population got free vaccines in a sustainable way.
This is another example of an innovation win-win-win. A win for the patients, who get protection from cancer. A win for the social services company, which could help those patients who couldn’t afford the vaccine. A win for the Pharma company who could provide increased access to their vaccines.
As Li Keqiang said:
Changes call for innovation, and innovation leads to progress.
So, as Innovation Leader, I made sure to support innovators who addressed the corporate business priorities, which included access to our medicines.
More about this topic: Social Good, Inc. TED Playlist
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Click here for more of my blogs on innovation within corporations: Wim Vandenhouweele