Sparks to fire up your innovation combustion

This will be my last video blog. I’ll explain why and what’s next.
Starring: Inna (Innovation Leader in a large Pharma corporation) and Wim (coach for Innovation Leaders). [Transcription far below]
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A new, short video clip is being launched every Wednesday. To get new ones in your e-mail, subscribe for free on this page.
You can also find 50 more clips and 100 of my written blogs here: web , LinkedIn , YouTube , Twitter.
Are you looking for a personal innovation coach?
- Do you want a soundboard, a sparring partner?
- Did you just start an innovation program or want to improve it?
- Do you need practical ideas to stimulate innovation or on how to manage an innovation portfolio?
If yes, I’m ready to help you!
- I believe in KISS: Keeping Innovation Super Simple. High focus on passion, low focus on processes.
- I have coached more than 50 innovation leaders across the globe in Pharma/healthcare.
- I work as independent coach: per hour or as long as you consider valuable at
⁃ Hi Wim. What a surprise!
⁃ Hi Inna. I decided to switch from producing video blogs to taking on a new challenge: writing a book.
⁃ What would be the reason?
⁃ I have taken many steps on the ladder of Innovation: I was a global Innovation Leader; I wrote blogs about Innovation in large corporations; I also became an independent coach for global innovation leaders and I issued video blogs. Now, it’s time for a new challenge. I wanted to write a book for a long time. I’m ready for it! Innovation is after all about trying out new things and exploring new directions.
⁃ How are you looking back on your blogs?
⁃ I have created 100 written blogs and 50 video clips. I issued them every Wednesday – I never missed a week! I really enjoyed sharing the learnings from my own experiences. Writing these blogs brought back great memories too. I also kept learning new techniques, like how to start up a website and how to produce a video.
⁃ I’m also thankful to all my innovation followers (about 500) on social media – and for all their “likes”. I appreciate their comments and suggestions – I hope I addressed most of them.
⁃ What brought on the idea of writing a book?
⁃ I know that many Innovation Leaders have similar challenges: they need solutions for a specific problem at a specific time. My blogs addressed many of their challenges. However, the point in time my blog was being published was not always the exact moment when they were looking for that solution. With the book, I want to make it easier for Innovation Leaders to find solutions to their problems when they need it.
⁃ Can I have a sneak peek into the content of the book?
⁃ Like my blogs, the book will be about innovation. I have many more topics to share! It will be written for Innovation Leaders in large corporations. It will focus on 2 areas: creating an internal climate that stimulates innovation and managing an innovation portfolio. The angle I will take is to Keep Innovation Super Simple. While never losing sight of the problem and the company’s bottomline.
⁃ Did you experience that overcomplexity was a hurdle to innovation?
⁃ When Innovation Leaders are struggling with a challenge, they may resort to introduce new, sometimes complex structures, buy expensive software to manage their innovation portfolio, etc. These approaches do have value, but are not always needed. In many cases, there are simple and easy to implement solutions for those problems. I will share those simple solutions, based on my experience as Innovation Leader in a large corporation.
⁃ I’m looking forward to it! Will you continue to coach Innovation Leaders while you are writing the book?
⁃ Absolutely. I remain available for any Innovation Leader who is looking for a personal coach to discuss how to create a climate that stimulates innovation and/or how to manage an innovation portfolio.
⁃ Good to know that you will keep coaching Innovation Leaders, while writing a book for Innovation Leaders!