• Tactics

    External collaboration !

    Sparks to fire up your innovation combustion This coaching session discusses why to collaborate with external organizations to innovate Starring: Inna (Innovation Leader in a large Pharma corporation) and Wim (coach for Innovation Leaders). [Transcription far below] Click below to start video Click on arrows to enlarge Video clip A new, short video clip is being launched every Wednesday. To get new ones in your e-mail, subscribe for free on this page. You can also find 25 more clips and 100 of my written blogs here: web , LinkedIn , YouTube , Twitter. . . Are you looking for a personal innovation coach? Do you want a soundboard, a sparring…

  • Tactics

    WiFi !

    Sparks to fire up your innovation combustion This coaching session discusses how wireless technology can solve business problems. Starring: Inna (Innovation Leader in a large Pharma corporation) and Wim (coach for Innovation Leaders). Click to start video Click on arrows to enlarge A new, short video clip is being launched every Wednesday. To get new ones in your e-mail, subscribe for free on this page. You can also find more clips and 100 of my written blogs here: Blog , LinkedIn , YouTube , Twitter. . . Are you looking for a personal innovation coach? Do you want a soundboard, a sparring partner? Do you want to run an idea…