Webcasts and Newsletters for corporate Innovation Leaders

Because most of us are working from home, I want to share the following excellent organizations that aim to inspire Innovation Leaders with newsletters and live webcasts, in many cases for free. I highly recommended to subscribe to each organization and newsletter to get alerts of upcoming events! In alphabetical order:
- Offers: newsletter, podcast, blog.
- Newsletter: Disruptor Digest Weekly – announces upcoming “Disruptor Connection” virtual events and a “Digest” of 6 recent innovation articles.
- HQ: Cincinnati, Ohio (USA).
- Lead: Shawn Nason, Lead Disruptor (also CEO, Chief of Eco-System Disruptor of MOFI).
- My take: Used to be called “Innovation Excellence”; acquired by MOFI, a consulting organization: “an experience-design SWAT team that’s laser-focused on disrupting the consumer experience”. Is relatively new. North American focused. Different, “not for the faint of heart”. Free webcasts.
- Offers: live sessions, online events, library of past events, monthly facilitated virtual conversation with peers.
- Newsletter: bi-weekly INNOV#8 – 8 updates on corporate innovation (articles, videos, cartoons) and announcement of future virtual and in-person events.
- HQ: Maastricht, Netherlands (EU).
- Lead: Hans Balmaekers, Chief.
- My take: Interesting guests. An absolute must for corporate innovation leaders. Basic (free) membership and Premium (paid) membership. Impressive events: free webcasts, paid in person congresses. Recently organized a free, virtual, 4-day congress with multiple parallel tracks. Global focus: EU, US, AP, ME. Has sponsors.
- Offers: research, case studies, webcasts, podcasts and live events.
- Newsletter: Innovation Leader Thursday Newsletter – announcement of future events and new toolkits/research reports.
- HQ: Boston, Massachusetts (USA).
- Lead: Scott Kirsner, CEO and Editor-in-Chief.
- My take: Interesting speakers. An absolute must for corporate innovation leaders. Basic (free) membership and full (paid) membership. Impressive events (some webcasts are free), great toolkits, articles, reports. “One Quick Thing: Innovation Leader’s Weekly Web Show”, a 30′ chat with a leading Innovation Leader, every Wednesday. Mainly US focus (some ex-US). Has sponsors.
Bonus recommendation: if interested in healthcare innovation, you cannot miss this impressive newsletter: “The Future of Digital Health” by Dr. Bertalan Mesko. He is The Medical Futurist and Director of The Medical Futurist Institute analyzing how science fiction technologies can become reality in medicine and healthcare. (My take: he actually describes how these technologies are already reality!)
As Robert Burt said:
“Instead of better glasses, your network gives you better eyes.”
So, as Innovation Leader, I connect and engage with the above organizations, to learn, share and network.
Some fun reading: “12 Innovative Ways to Innovate Your Innovation” by Sarah Cooper
Do you have recommendations for other inspiring organizations for Innovation Leaders?
Click here for more of my blogs on innovation within corporations: Wim Vandenhouweele
Thanks Wim! Quite informative! I’ll be checking out Disruptor Lead and Innov8ers.
Wim Vandenhouweele